I've spent 25 years on this beautiful planet as a daily learner and observer. I've had people pass down advice, wisdom, old wive's tales, total crap and everything in between. I waded through it all in an attempt to discover which is which. Travelling has a way of cutting through the fog to clarify that which is so important to learn. I've definitely not got it all figured out yet, but there are 25 things I've learned so far.

So here they are, in no particular order.

  1. You'll learn a lot about who you are by spending time those who are nothing like you.
  2. People will make a way or make an excuse. If someone doesn't make an effort in your relationship with them, you're not a priority. It's up to you to decide what you're willing to put up with, but don't kid yourself into believing that someday he or she will suddenly really care about you more than xyz if they don't already. Which leads me to my next point...
  3. As Maya Angelou said, "When people show you who they are, believe them." Sometimes a burning bridge lights the way, but whenever possible build instead of burn.
  4. Hurt people hurt people. Most of the time it has little to nothing to do with you when someone is a total jerk to you or treats you badly. Don't take it personally; It's a waste of time and energy to try and decipher why someone is mean to you for no apparent reason. If you don't already know why, you probably never will. And the good news is, it wouldn't make a difference even if you did know. Everyone has a battle to face.
  5. Represent yourself how you wish to be treated. Dress well and speak with conviction. Watch your tongue and listen twice as much as you talk; don't gossip or slander. It's unbecoming and it makes you shallow and boring. Talk about ideas, not people, otherwise you demonstrate how little you think of yourself. No one will believe in you until you do. If they do, hold onto them.
  6. Time can't heal all wounds, but sleep, tea and good company make anything bearable.
  7. Be the person you want someone to be to you. Be who you need or needed. Empathy is powerful. #goldenrule
  8. Gratitude is a gift in itself. Those who are grateful usually exemplify most other virtues as well. Say "thank you" often and sincerely. Count blessings year round.
  9. Work can wait. People cannot and should not.
  10. Make a pie chart of your thoughts. Consider how much time you spend thinking about what you do. Then make one of your actions in a regular day. You'll find where your priorities lie. Reflect, adjust, start again.
  11. Stop saying 'someday' and start saying when & how. Make a plan, not a dream board.
  12. Travel. Just go. Don't look back until you find answers to questions you never thought to ask, become a person you're proud of, and feel truly alive.
  13. LOVE. Fall in love, get scraped up, and fall again. Fall hard. Maybe get your heart broken. Love your enemies. Love the unlovable. Love strangers enough to really see them, engage, and listen, not merely pass them by. Love when it's awkward or inconvenient. Love the broken and hurting. Love the lonely and marginalized. Love the one who hurt you deeply. Love yourself with the humility it takes to see yourself as vulnerable and broken, but worthy of Love. Love never goes out of style; it's never a waste of time. Love justice and mercy and humility. Learn to love with abandon, because it's the most thrilling, terrifying and freeing thing you could ever do (and I've gone skydiving).
  14. One thing no one can ever take away from you is your education. Read. Read. Read. Repeat.
  15. If you never failed, you never tried anything new. Learning mandates mistakes and risks and yea, looking like an idiot. But take comfort in knowing everyone has been that idiot before (and will be again).
  16. Don't be stupid on purpose...especially for attention (this includes acting like someone you're not for approval). Life is hard; it's harder when you're stupid. Being truly, deeply known by very few is so much better than thousands knowing only your name and that one thing you did once. Have dignity.
  17. Know when to say when. Quitting is one of the best and hardest things I've ever done.
  18. Pride is the root of all evil. Listen to the experts, the humble, your true friends, and the rude guy you know is right. Don't be petty or defensive and be quick to acknowledge your own faults. Trust is greater than cynicism.
  19. Common sense isn't common. Spell out exactly what you need, in detail, and be patient. Don't expect anyone to know what you want or need if you don't expressly communicate it. Passive-aggression is both futile and juvenile. On the flipside, try your best to be intuitive to other people's needs and desires. Surprise people with creative ways to make them feel heard or cared for.
  20. It's okay to not have it figured out. Give yourself grace and work your butt off.
  21. You're free to feel, say and do whatever you wish. You're not free from the consequences of your words and actions. So think critically, because thoughts become words become deeds become habits become your character (See #16).
  22. The most important things in life are not things. Give to the poor. Be selfless. It's good for you, but more importantly, it's good for society. As Anne Frank once beautifully quipped, "No one becomes poor by giving."
  23. Do things that make you truly happy, even & especially when naysayers tell you not to. You get one life and you can live it how you want to. The people who mind don't matter and the people who matter don't mind.
  24. You're not that awesome. The world doesn't revolve around you. If you died today, you're history tomorrow and given a few years, the world won't even know you existed (sorry, but it's true). So do something that really matters and will outlive you. Be connected to something bigger than yourself. Contribute. Make the world better, brighter and more kind.
  25. Karma isn't real. Bad crap happens disproportionately to wonderful people and great things happen to really crappy people. Life isn't fair, so enjoy a good cry every now and then. But remember that no one is totally a villain or a hero and even if all you do is good and all you seem to get is bad in return, it's still worth it to do the good. Don't think of things in terms of what you get out of it, but what you make of it.